Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Naming Patterns...Who is Who?

Researching our families can be difficult enough as it is but when you also take in consideration naming patterns it can get darn right exasperating. I became aware of naming patterns when I was researching my Scottish families. Names that kept repeating themselves in my family were: Alexander, William, and James for the males and Henrietta for the females. There's no set rule but this is one variation I found:

Male children in order of birth: father's father: mother's father; father; father's oldest brother; father's second oldest brother; or mother's oldest brother.

Female children in order of birth: mother's mother; father's mother; mother; mother's oldest sister; mother's second oldest sister; or father's oldest sister.

Other naming practices: Often times when a child died the next child born of the same sex would be named after the child that had died. Sometimes when a wife died and the husband remarried the next female child might be named for his deceased wife. Other nationalities often used naming patterns, too.

Figuring out if your families followed a naming pattern just might aid you in finding more of your family.

Link of interest: http://genealogy.about.com/od/naming_patterns/

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